Legal Issues
Assess legal questions
AdaptIVe will assess the legal questions resulting from automation. It will focus on product liability, road traffic law, regulatory law, data privacy and data security.
Address driver control
Today’s legal framework for automated driving is based on the prerequisite that safe driving is the sole responsibility of the driver.
With a move towards automation in driving, controllability by the driver at all times might no longer be a basic design criterion. The requirements set up by the legal framework must provide answers for the ramifications of this fundamental change.
Define a classification scheme for automated driving functions
To allow consistent terminology, the project will define a classification scheme for automated systems and typical scenarios that can occur when using an automated driving system. Legal questions will be raised based on this naming scheme.
Overcome legal barriers
AdaptIVe comprehensively reviews the current legal frameworks in various EU member states and assesses their applicability to automated systems. The review will also cover current activities in the United States.
The examination of the legal framework will detail the relevant aspects found during the review. It will focus on potentially needed adaptations to the legal framework.
- J3016 SAE – Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to On-Road Motor Vehicle Automated Driving Systems: http://standards.sae.org/j3016_201401 (→ external link)
- ISO 26262 – Road vehicles — Functional safety: http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/catalogue_tc_browse.htm?commid=46752 (→ external link)
- BASt study about the legal consequences of automation (Rechtsfolgen zunehmender Fahrzeugautomatisierung): bast.opus.hbz-nrw.de/volltexte/2012/587/pdf/F83.pdf (→ external link)
- BASt study about the legal consequences of automation (Legal consequences
of an increase in vehicle automation): bast.opus.hbz-nrw.de/volltexte/2013/723/pdf/Legal_consequences_of_an_increase_in_vehicle_automation.pdf (→ external link) - Convention on Road Traffic, 1968 (Article 8 and 13 on Controllability): www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/conventn/Conv_road_traffic_EN.pdf (→ external link)
- RESPONSE 3 Code of Practice: http://www.acea.be/publications/article/code-of-practice-for-the-design-and-evaluation-of-adas (→ external link)