Final Event was great success
More than 250 experts from 20 countries all over the world joined the AdaptIVe Final Event // Driving Automation in Aachen, Germany, on 28 and 29 June 2017.
During the two days of the event participants were offered driving demonstrations in and around Aachen: on highways, in a simulated urban environment and in a multi-level parking garage. Shuttles were taking the guests on tours to the nine demonstrator vehicles, also passing by the new highly dynamic driving simulator of the ika RWTH Aachen University that was well visited.
Opened by Erik Jonnaert, Secretary General of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association ACEA, and Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission, the conference focused on the technology behind the functions. Cross-cutting topics that have been on the project’s agenda – human factors, legal aspects and safety validation as well as evaluation methods – were discussed.
Besides the demonstrations a comprehensive exhibition made the results tangible: posters from the research areas, videos on V2X based merging manoeuvres or legal aspects displayed the advancement of automated driving research by AdaptIVe.
Please find here the agenda.
The press release and media reports are available here.
Presentations and public deliverables as well as summaries of restricted deliverables are available here.
The European Commission sincerely thanked the project team for the outstanding results and Final Event - and rated the project as "excellent".